Brown Bobblehead Bunny


Monday 2 November 2015

Trust and Faith

Last Saturday I met this wonderful lady called Frances who I saw the light of God in her. It was a busy morning as usual, where I got dressed up and caught the early 8am 130 bus. 

Rushing to the bus stop, I saw this lady smiling at me, I nodded at her and she said good morning. I nodded back and started talking about the bus to kill time. She was about 84 year old, looking healthy and happy, grabbing a bag with puppy design which I found very cute: 3.

 As we spoke about the reason why she was up so early, she moved closer towards me and that was when I saw tears in her eyes; that her husband passed away last month. At that time, I was not sure whether to hug a stranger like that, so I ended up apologising:” I am very sorry to hear about that”. 

She asked if she could sit down right next to me on the bus as we hopped on, which I found was very polite. And this was when I got to know more of her personal story.

 She and her husband had been married for almost 68 years happily, contentedly and peacefully. She said that she loved him so much, so when he passed away, she couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t walk or couldn’t go outside. 

“I loved him so much”, for a second, I was amazed by how much emotion the words came to me. I was speechless, for the power of love it came across me. The only thing I could do is to look at her as she continued to talk. 

" I could not get out my bed, I lost myself and the purpose of living every day I woke up. I walked into the same room where he used to be, everything was there but him. He was gone. I was devastated...until the God said to me, you have to get up.... that was when I realized that I must not live like this anymore and decided to meet people, to see the world around me". 

That was why she walked out today and met up with the lady who she sat down for 2 hours at the food court the other day. She told me how she went rock climbing, walking and doing all the activities that kept her alive and energetic, and she told me that how amazing it is to have the Lord in her life and that God will always love you no matter what. She then continued telling me about 8 great great grandchildren she had and how her 26 year-old granddaughter and her boyfriend quit their awesome jobs with good pay in order to volunteer and to teach English in Vietnam, and that they thoroughly enjoyed the decision  they made. From her words, I could see her pride in her children and the excitement she has as she will be travelling overseas next year to celebrate her 85 year old birthday. 

 We laughed at her silly things she did and how she told me if it's God's will, she will find a great partner to accompany the rest of her life journey. But he must love the God wholeheartedly, who does not smoke, drink and loves her. She said although she cannot see the future, but she knows that she is going to have a lot of fun, laughter and joy as she has faith in God. And I believe that was what God has been trying to say to me as well as our baptism session was centered on Hebrew 11:11 "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see..." Faith is a wonderful thing, the power of eternal God. 

  She swept my fringe as she looked at me and said: “you are still young, some or the world may come to corrupt your body, but don’t let them corrupt your mind, remain a truthful and grateful heart to the Lord, listen to His words." I looked at her, nodding my head in silence... 

When she spoke to me, I felt refreshed and happy, it was no longer a chat between an old lady with a young girl, but a heart to a heart. She was wonderful,cheerful, despite of the things she went through. From her, I saw courage, I saw how powerful faith can be, I realized that attitudes can change the world you see, I saw the light of God in her. I realized how God has always been there for me, trying to guide me when I am in a world of darkness. I must not fear or fall, but hold firmly to His hands, not to be swirled by the temptation and corruption of the sins.

You are destined to meet some certain people, they come and leave at certain time but God has a reason for you to meet them, to enrich, to nourish, to influence, to make you become a better person which is able to walk closer with Him. 

In Jesus's name,

We Pray.

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